Géographie planétaire 12
First Semester and Second Semester
Géographie planétaire 12 explores major contemporary global issues, using the discipline of geography, in an attempt to answer the question, "How did the world arrive at its current state at the beginning of the twenty-first century?"Course is composed of 5 modules, final exam and term project.
The Global Geographer introduces students to the discipline of geography and establishes important year-long expectations related to skills and understandings, including the concept of interdependence; The Planet Earth examines the unique planet Earth, its ecosystems, the planetary state of health, and the relationship between humans and natural disasters; Population, Resources and Commodities examines measures of quality of life, population distributions and densities, and vital statistics; and, Urbanization looks at patterns of urbanization, models of urban structure, growth trends, and urban improvement strategies. Global Geography 12 students will also be expected to employ research methods appropriate to the discipline of geography.
Le cours comprend 8 unités complémentaires basées sur des thèmes et connaissances globales ou la géographie. Ces unités sont: notre planète fragile, hasard environnement, la planète peuplée, nourrir la planète, les ressources globales, l‘urbanisation et le futur de la planète. C‘est un cours essentiellement intéractif dont l’accent est mis sur le travail de groupes. Les sujets ou l’actualité globale courante basée sur la géographie sera examinée.
Course Additional Information
Course Materials
No additional requirements.
Laptop or desktop device with Windows, Mac, or Chrome OS. Webcam and headset with microphone. Access to Google Workspace for Education (GNSPES/SEPNE) or other productivity software.